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Parish Records

This page describes what Parish registers are available for Hemblington and how you can access them.

There are 4 sources:

  • Baptisms: 1562 – 1939
  • Burials: 1563 – 1952
  • Banns: 1757 – 1969
  • Marriages: 1564 – 1901

These records are available in microfiche form at the Norwich Record Office.

Online access can be obtained from:

We are also very fortunate in Hemblington to hold these Parish Records in hard copy format as a listing by section and date. This bound volume can be made available to consult (but not to copy) by appointment. To do this, you can send an email via our Contact Us form or by contacting Catherine Howe (Church Warden) at ancaviniam@hotmail.com or call 01603 270360.

We also are fortunate in that a member of our congregation has been very much involved in transcribing and checking the digital records for FreeReg and the Norfolk Family History Society. She may be approached if you have particular family history questions. The email address for this is hemblington.pr@outlook.com.

A little while ago now Barbara Purdy completed the marathon task of assembling and collating the Parish Registers into a digital format. We are deeply grateful to her for doing this and for sharing the results with us. This will transform the task of those making family history inquiries so much quicker and easier.

Sunday 28 July
  • 9:30 am Morning Worship, Hemblington Church
  • 11:00 am Holy Communion, Blofield Church
Wednesday 31 July
  • 9:30 am Morning Worship, Blofield Church
  • 10:15 am Coffee and Chat, Blofield Church
Sunday 4 August
  • 9:30 am Holy Communion, Hemblington Church
  • 11:00 am Morning Worship, Blofield Church
Wednesday 7 August
  • 9:30 am Holy Communion, Blofield Church
  • 10:15 am Coffee and Chat, Blofield Church