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Contact us

If you wish to contact us via e-mail then please complete the form below. Alternatively, you may wish to contact us directly using the following details:

Revd. Kevin Billson
01603 712299
Mrs. Catherine Howe
01603 270360
Mr. Simon Mutten
01603 715701
Revd. Canon Judith Wilson
Retired Priest
01603 211509
Revd. Sue Shillam
Assistant Curate
01603 211629


Sunday 28 July
  • 9:30 am Morning Worship, Hemblington Church
  • 11:00 am Holy Communion, Blofield Church
Wednesday 31 July
  • 9:30 am Morning Worship, Blofield Church
  • 10:15 am Coffee and Chat, Blofield Church
Sunday 4 August
  • 9:30 am Holy Communion, Hemblington Church
  • 11:00 am Morning Worship, Blofield Church
Wednesday 7 August
  • 9:30 am Holy Communion, Blofield Church
  • 10:15 am Coffee and Chat, Blofield Church